Sunday 27 April 2014

From The Sunday Hardup: is this something that women should worry their pretty little heads over?

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Women ministers in SNP Cabinet control less than 12% of Scotland's budget

WOMEN oversee less than 12% of the ­Scottish budget despite making up 40% of the Cabinet, analysis by the Scottish Parliament has found.

Official figures show Alex Salmond has put women in charge of the three smallest spending portfolios in his government, while giving the three largest to men.
On average, male Cabinet secretaries have six times the budget of their female colleagues.
 A spokesoopswe'resobusted for the Scottish government told The JT:
" These figures at face value seem to reflect a gender bias against women in the day to day running of government, but can I reassure women that this bias is corrected daily by putting women ministers in charge of making tea for the men and such like." 
It is understood that the government is to act swiftly in the face of these figures to give women ministers more responsibility, Fiona Hyslop will now take over the portfolio for making the flowers all nice while Nicola Sturgeon will sort out buttons for sewing, arranging them by size in a a box with little compartments in that Alex Neil found while cleaning out his shed.

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